Sunday, April 17, 2011

Love Conquers

Today I was thinking of all the little catch phrases/quotes that we know. We have been taught quotes since we were young. "Love. Faith. Hope." "Love. Power. Respect." I hope you get the drift just different sayings of the world.

As I was driving home, I remembered one saying that I could not stand as a child.

"Love Conquers All."

I never understood it. It just didn't sit right with me. How could "love" actually "conquer" ALL? I mean my parents said they loved me yet, my mother had her own issues and my father was never around. That wasn't love in my opinion. Many friends, guys and girls, cousins, sisters, brother etc. have all told me they love me. Yet, I was talked about behind my back, they stole from me, even went as far as making me feel like an outcast. Is that love? I seriously had no idea what loved actually meant. It was a term that was used so loosely that to me it felt like a normal Hi or Bye greeting.

Well, today. I am happy to say that "LOVE DOES CONQUER ALL." How did I come to that revelation? This is the conversation I had with myself.:
  • Flesh: Does Love conquer all?
  • Spirit: Yes, Love does conquer all.
  • Flesh: How do you know love conquers all?
  • Spirit: Jesus loves you.
  • Flesh: Blank stare. (Praise God!)
1 John 4:8 (NIV) "Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love."

So instead of me reading that phrase "LOVE CONQUERS ALL." I can now read it:


God conquers all in you home, your finances, you marriage, your family. Any area of your life you are lacking or struggling. Give your burdens to the Lord, Psalm 55:22 (NIV) "Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken."Anything you are going through he will keep you, hold you, so you will not be moved. God Conquers All.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Being in the presence of God has really opened my eyes to seeing different things, and actually being able to hear the message that God wants me to hear. Today, i received a message of increase while playing UNO. YES, UNO! Who would of thought that God can send a message to you while playing UNO? It happens.

So today we had a staff meeting for a department in my church. After the meeting we ate, fellowshiped with one another and decided to play UNO. During this game of UNO, the rules were clear. No ghetto Stuff. No trains, no doubles, no picking cards until you get the color none of the foolishness we picked up as children. Just a simple hand of UNO. One card, one turn, only using wild cards and Draw 4's when you don't have the color, one pick if you don't have the color and then on to the next person. It did make the game longer, but we still had fun and played the game. On one particular hand there was a bunch of randomness, we were all reversing everyone was throwing out Draw 2's and Draw 4's, but it was the way this occurred that caught my attention.

The Draw 4 is a special card. When we have this card in our hands we all seem to want to hold on to it. We also have this burning desire to use this card to prevent someone from getting out before us. I call the Draw 4 the Love/Hate card. While 6 of us were at the table our Assistant Pastor, Pastor B.J had it out for him this hand. It amazed me how he was used in this particular situation. One person through out a Draw 4, the next person doubled it given Pastor B.J 8 cards to pick up. Then the card's were reversed, he then had to draw another 4 cards. Now, you might think I'm crazy because UNO's whole purpose is to not have any cards in your hand or the least cards in your hand and Pastor B.J had about 20 at this point.

At that same moment God revealed to me just how quickly he can bring increase to your life. I was amazed Pastor B.J was used because he is a man of integrity, a man who has a heart for God, a heart for God's people, faithful, and a doer of God's word. God showed me because of his faithfulness this is how quickly he can be bless, and so can I. Not only will that blessing come from the right, that blessing will also come from the left. Seriously, think about it. If we were given away money Pastor B.J would be loaded because he got it from the left and the right of him. God was using his enemies to bless him. At that table, although it was a friendly game of UNO we only had one goal in mind and that was getting ourselves out.

Follow God's word. He can bring increase to your life. You miss out on a blessing by not following his word. Malachi 3:10 (NIV) states "Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it"

Although he is talking about tithe, guess what? It is his word. How grand would that be to have the passage read "Follow my word. Test me in this, and see if I will not throw open the flood gates of heaven and pour out a blessing that there will not be room enough to store it." That blessing may or may not come in financial increase. It could come in the form of health, your esteem, school any area of life you are lacking in he will give it to you in more abundance. Just follow his word.


Friday, April 15, 2011

Introducing Me!

I guess now would be a great time to introduce myself. My name is Roshonda. I am 23 years old living in Florida (Yes, the Sunshine State). I recently rededicated my life to Christ April 4, 2010 at Spirit of Faith Christian Center in Gainesville, Fl. It was the most life changing experience for me as I began to emerge into my young adulthood. It is honestly one of the best decisions I have made thus far. A decision that changed my life.

Growing up, I knew about God. I knew about Jesus. I knew he died. But, I didn't know him. I didn't know him as the one who gave his life for me. I didn't know him as the one who was beat, spat at, ridiculed, all the while living a perfect life, but dying a sinner's death. I didn't know him as my salvation, the one who keeps me. I just didn't know him. I prayed to him for test, I prayed to him to make things go away, I prayed to him to change me. Yet, I didn't know him. How is that so? My spirit man cried out to him. I knew there was a god out there somewhere but I didn't know my God. I had a Bible, thinking about it, I had several Bibles. I read them when I was bored. When I figured out, I didn't understand anything going on in this book, I just put it down and walked away from it. What could I possibly learn from this book. Needless to say, I can learn ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING. The way of life, who I am in Christ, and how to live by his word. It was truly powerful once I began to understand God's word.

The first time I gave my life to Christ I was 12 year's ago. I was in church, I was crying, I wanted someone to turn to so I gave my life to the Lord. I also didn't understand what I was doing. I didn't understand what being saved meant. "Okay, so I say the sinner's prayer and then I go to Heaven. That works for me." At 12 years old, that was my mind yet. No one explained to me what given up my life to the Lord was truly about. I sure many of us have been there. After a while, I noticed nothing seemed to work. My parents still lost their house, my family was broken apart, I was living with relatives, I was completely lost. So I began doing what I knew to do. Live the way I was taught. Care about myself. Live for me and no one else. "Do me." "Doing me" didn't get me anywhere. I began drinking, smoking, sneaking out, having sex, just becoming an all out problem child at home. In school I was as sweet as pie. "Roshonda did what? No way!" I had them fooled. As I became a little older, I began to understand more and more about God, but after so much time of just hurt I didn't want to hear it. I grew accustom to my way of life, my way of thinking to the best of my ability. I grew anger towards God. If he's suppose to be the ruler of the world and wants us to have the best, why was I molested at 15? Why did a Youth Pastor take advantage of me at 18? "That's God?" was all I could think. In all actuality it was not God, but my own stupidity. But I was angry with him. When I got to college, life was better. I could party, I could drink, I could sow my oaks before settling down, "HAVE FUN" was what I was told. I had fun, but I wasn't happy. I was going through depression on and off, my boyfriend and I were having problems, I was a wreck on the inside. Outside, I was just fine. Until I got the word "In Power and Simplicity." I've never heard the word spoken with such Faith and convictions. This man Pastor Kenneth J. Claytor really brought a message that was for me. I gave my life to Christ Resurrection (as known as Easter) Sunday. AND NEVER LOOKED BACK! I was saved. I am truly saved. I understand the power of God, I understand his word, I understand his promises; more importantly I understand my worth in his kingdom.

This blog is allowing me to share my experiences, testimonies, and how to apply the word of God to your life. As the message is being taught me and I retain the correct information with proper understanding. I can get that same message to you. I am praying for all my readers to help me, help you walk this journey with Christ the right way. He loves you more than you can ever imagine. All you have to do, is live for him.


Thursday, April 14, 2011

To Steal, Kill & Destroy

This song "In the Words of Satan" by the Arrows, explain Satan's plan. This song speaks volume of how this world is stuck in the "world system" and not in the system of God. This "world system" will fail. It is no match for the kingdom of God. Listen closely.
God wants you to be with him in the end. He wants you to enjoy to the good life, but not the way Satan has laid the world out for you. Selah.

We have all grown up knowing that there is a Heaven and a Hell. We know that God is the creator of all and that Satan only wants to steal, kill and destroy everything that God has planted in your life (John 10:10).

So, why do we as a people allow Satan to rule and dictate our lives with his foolishness. It may start with a simple touch, then sex. Or, a beat, then a song full of cursing and things that are not of God. So why is it that this Nation, even this generation of people are over indulging themselves with the practices of the world and not the practices of the Bible.

God never intended for man to suffer. He never intended for man to have sickness, disease, infirmity or the issues of life that are currently overtaken the world with force. He gave his only begotten son (John 3:16) so that we can have life, and have it more abundantly. He wants us to enjoy the fruits of life. By following his word.

Satan, knows the Bible. He knows how to manipulate it for his power. He knows what bugs you, annoys you, what will make you weak. This is the very reason why we need to stand on the word of God to ensure our covering. To know that we are the head and not the tail. We are above and he is beneath our feet. When you throw the word at him and stand firmly on it, he has not choice but to flee (Psalms 8:2). All the while you give God the praise for fighting your battles and standing in the midst of your storms. The enemy can't stand your praise. He knows that when you praise, there is absolutely nothing he can do but back away.

Jesus is real. He was created so that we may be saved through him. Give him your life today, so that you too can enter the gates of heaven.
